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Emergency water storage is easily the most important and most overlooked aspect of family crisis readiness. You can live without food for several weeks, but no more than a few days without water.

In any grid-down scenario, water treatment facilities will eventually go down – sometimes within days or hours. Boiling water at home is always an option, but what happens when the natural gas stops flowing to your kitchen?

Blue plastic barrel with a hand pump, wrench, and small bottle. Text notes items are not to scale.

The best form of crisis readiness insurance you can have on hand is a backup supply of emergency water on-site. Experts recommend two gallons of water per person per day with enough to last at least two weeks. For a family of four, that would be approximately 56 gallons of water.

While you could try to achieve this large volume of water storage with many small containers, the most practical option is to purchase one large container.

Enter the 55-gallon water storage kit from Augason Farms. This bundle includes a 55-gallon food-grade water storage barrel, as well as a pump and a water treatment kit. There are other options on the market if you prefer to buy items individually, but this kit includes everything you need to get your water stored and treated. 

It’s important to note that the Augason Farms barrel is BPA-free and specifically designed for safe water storage.  

The footprint of the Augason farms water barrel is relatively small, so it’s possible to store several even if you don’t have a large amount of floor space in a garage or shed. 

If you’re looking for an easy emergency water storage option, Augason farms is a trusted and well-reviewed option. The price point on Amazon fluctuates, but tends to hover in the low to mid $200 range.   

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